• Udderly
  • Mastitis prevention and treatment

Mastitis prevention and treatment

The Udderly EZ Milkers are a great remedy as an aid in the prevention and in the treatment of mastitis in your horse, goat, cow, sheep or other exotic. Check out this letter we received from a customer with a very serious mastitis issue:

“I want to thank you so much for the Udderly EZ and all of your help. I have worked with horses over 40 years and this year was my first experience with mastitis. A very nice mare was given to me because of her history of mastitis. As I understand the only foals to survive were placed on nurse mares. In searching online I found the Udderly EZ site, watched the videos and bought the device. I also contacted the company for any additional advice as this was a very overwhelming situation. I was very impressed with the fact that you took the time to help me and offered additional information about your experiences with this situation.

My staff and I watched the video two or three times, by the time the foal arrived we were totally prepared. We milked the mare out on the bad teat every 3 to 4 hours around the clock and now on day 4 the filly is so strong she is nursing both teats and our assistance is no longer necessary.

I can’t thank you enough. The Udderly EZ made my life so much easier — the time and the ease of the milking process was more than cut in half. It was so simple all of my assistants could perform the task by their self and the mare was extremely relaxed and comfortable during the entire process.”


Best regards,

Kim Hobson
President, Hawthorne Products, Inc.

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